Four Levels of the CIG Book of Life Registration Blessing
The following is a summary of the four levels that pertain to the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing as approved by the His Majesty the Second King of Cheon Il Guk.
다음은 천일국 2대왕께서 승인하신 천주 참부모님 천일국 생명의 책 입적 축복에 대한 4가지 단계입니다.
次は天一国2代王様が承認された天宙真の父母様天一国生命の書入籍祝福に対する4段 階です。
1.Perfection Stage Perfection Level happens when we enter the substantial nation of Cheon Il Guk.
완성기 완성급은 실체적 천일국에 입국할 때 이루어집니다.
2.Perfection Stage Growth Level:
Participate in the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Book of Life Registration Blessing on Feb 28th in Newfoundland, PA, or at another site via the Internet with crowns and an official rod of iron. The Second King has designated the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and the AR semiautomatic pistol as the official rods of iron. An AK rifle will be acceptable in countries where AR are difficult to obtain. Families that do not correspond to the perfection stage growth level at the upcoming Blessing ceremony can attain this level through Book of Life Registration Blessing Ceremonies to be held in the future.
완성기장성급은 천기 9년 천력 1월 13일 (양 2018년 2월 28일)에 거행되는 천주 참부모님 천일국 생명의 책 입적축복식에 왕관과 공인된 철장을 가지고, 뉴파운드랜드에서 직접참가 하거나 인터넷 중계로 참가 하는 것을 의미합니다. 2대왕께서는 지금까지 AR-15형 반자동 소총과 AR-15 반자동 권총을 공인된 철장으로 지정하셨습니다. AR형 소총 구입이 어려운 나라에서는 AK형 소총도 예외로 인정됩니다. 이번 축복식에서 완성기 장성급에 해당되지 못하는 가정은 앞으로 또 거행될 생명의 책 축복식을 통해 이 단계에 도달할 수 있습니다.
完成期長成級は、天基9年天暦1月13日(陽2018年2月28日)に行われる天宙 真の父母様天一国生命の書入籍祝福に、王冠と公認の鉄の杖を持参したうえで、ニュー ファンドランドにおいて直接参加、またはインターネット中継で参加することを意味し ます。「公認の鉄の杖」について 2 代王様はこれまで、AR-15 型半自動小銃と AR 半自 動拳銃を指定されておられます。AR15の購入が困難な国においては、AK 型小銃も可 能です。なお、今回の祝福で完成期長成級に該当しない家庭は、将来行われる生命の書 入籍祝福を通してこの段階に入ることができます。
3.Perfection Stage Formation Level:
Participate in the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of LIfe Registration Blessing Ceremony in Newfoundland, PA, with Crowns and a $700 gift certificate or voucher from a gun store. Later the same day, participate in a Color Guard Ceremony in the presence of the King.
완성기 소생급은 왕관과 총판매업체를 통해 구입한 700달러 어치 상품권을 가지고 뉴파운드랜드에서 거행되는 천주참부모님 천일국 생명의 책 축복식에 참가한 뒤, 같은 날 2대왕을 모신 가운데 실시 될 국기호위병 행사에 참석하는 것을 의미합니다.
完成期蘇生級とは、王冠と、銃販売業者から購入した 700 ㌦相当の商品券を持って、 ニューファンドランドで挙行される天宙真の父母様天一国生命の書入籍祝福式に参加し た後、同じ日に王様ご在席の場で行われる国旗衛兵行事に参加することを意味します。
4.Symbolic Book of Life Registration Blessing:
Participate in the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of LIfe Registration Blessing Ceremony with crowns and a $700 gift certificate or voucher from a gun store. These couples can move up to the Perfection Stage Formation Level at a later date by participating in a Color Guard Ceremony held in the presence of the Second King in Pennsylvania.
상징적 생명의 책 입적축복은 왕관과 총판매업체를 통해 구입한 700달러 어치 상품권을 가지고 뉴파운드랜드 이외의 곳에서 천주참부모님 천일국 생명의 책 축복식에 참가하는 것을 의미합니다. 여기에 해당되는 가정은 앞으로 펜실베니아에서 2대왕을 모시고 실시되는 국기호위병 행사에 참석하는 것으로 완성기 소생급으로 진급할 수 있다.
象徴的生命の書入籍祝福は、王冠と銃販売業者から購入した 700 ㌦相当の商品件を持っ て、ニューファンドランド以外の所で天宙真の父母様天一国生命の書入籍祝福式に参加 することを意味します。ここに該当する家庭は、将来ペンシルバニアで王様ご在席の場 で行われる国旗衛兵行事に参加することで完成期蘇生級に進級することができます。
The above levels also apply to couples returning to True Father’s authority through this Blessing and couples receiving the Blessing for the first time. Those participating with only the Blessing offering will receive the Blessing for Returning to True Father’s Authority, or the Growth Stage Blessing.
한편 이번 축복을 통해 아버님 권한권에 돌아오는 가정, 또는 새로이 축복을 받는 가정도 위 조건에 해당됩니다. 축복헌금만 가지고 참가하는 가정은 권한권 축복, 장성기 축복에 해당됩니다.
一方、今回の祝福を通してお父様の権威にもどる家庭、または新しく祝福を受ける家庭 も上の内容に該当します。祝福献金のみを持って参加する家庭は戻る祝福、長成期祝福 に該当します。
Timothy Elder Director of World Missions World Peace and Unification Sanctuary
- 以下英文全文 -
February 28, 2018 "Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing" Ceremony
In order to receive the substantial Blessing on the Cosmic Level the sovereignty of a nation (Cheon Il Guk) must be restored. True Father gave the Blessing on the national level in 2003 for all blessed couples, even though no nation had been restored. However, True Father did not want to go to spirit world without having founded the nation.
Now, in 2018, we are still far away from the sovereignty of a Heavenly Nation – and God still wants to give the third stage Registration Book of Life Blessing on the Cosmic Level, not only to True Father [as in True Father’s blessing recently with True Mother Kang], but to all blessed couples and all humankind. As Second King (of a not yet established Cheon Il Guk), and as substantial object of God and True Father here on earth, Hyung Jin Nim is facing the difficult task of making it possible that we receive the Cosmic Blessing, without Satan being able to accuse.
It is not about demanding something from us. The question is whether we can overcome the necessary obstacles, so that we can receive the grace of such a Blessing without Satan’s accusation. To fulfill the ideal of kingship and the nation, we need people, land (property) and sovereignty. Sovereignty means that we are able to defend ourselves against an aggressive satanic world, when we are threatened. We should be able to defend ourselves, not only in an abstract but in a substantial way, as we would do in a sovereign nation. A minimum expression of such sovereignty is a crown and a real gun for defense (the biblical “rod of iron”) like a legal AR15 - a simple hunting or toy gun would not fulfill this substantial purpose - for all princes and princesses of a nation.
Anything less than this would mean that we are describing the nation and the blessing only in a spiritual way. All blessed couples, who are not living in a state possessing such substantial freedom and sovereignty, can only really receive the Blessing as a spiritual level blessing. This refers practically to all couples who are living in states where people do not have the absolute right to possess a gun. This applies also to many states of USA where there are severe restrictions on guns. All those, however, who are fortunate enough to live in states where people have managed to keep their rights under the constitution to possess guns, have been asked by the King to participate in the ceremony on 28th February with a crown and a “rod of iron” (AR 15 or AK style weapon). Attending the blessing, either with an AR15 or alike or without, is valid, but to attend with an AR15 would be a substantial “perfection stage” blessing, and without an AR15 would be a spiritual “growth stage” level blessing]. (see detailed explanation below)
Therefore, all couples around the world should participate in the event on 28th February, whether they are allowed to carry a rod of iron or not. Also, all children, single persons, divorced people, and people who have not been previously blessed, are invited to participate.
For couples, who have already been blessed, this will be the third stage blessing, the Cosmic Level Book of Life Registration Blessing, which True Father announced (for the future) even in the 1960s. From very early on, he said that we must all receive three levels of blessing. The first one was our family level blessing (when we received the blessing with our spouse, in 1970, 1982, etc). The second level took place in 2003 (with TF and us in CP or locally), on the national level.
For single persons, this ceremony on 28th February will signify the pre-stage, or condition, to receive the Blessing in its fullness later on, and will provide a great protection and blessing for their lives. We should invite all people, who are ready to do so, to participate in this ceremony. In order to be a citizen of Cheon Il Guk, it is sufficient just to accept the Constitution and Hyung Jin Nim in his role as King. It is not necessary to change one’s religion as a precondition. It will be for any participant a great Blessing.
A high price was paid for this blessing to be brought to us – by True Father, new True Mother and the Second King, as well as providential figures and even our brothers and sisters. We should not expect that this precious grace can be given for free. To be free from any spiritual accusation we should be ready to offer our life to God, our condition of sacrifice and heart, and also a minimum of donation. The value can surely not be measured in money. $210 is the minimum contribution announced by the King. For people from poor nations or in very difficult financial situation, there is a reduced amount of contribution.
Four Levels of the CIG Book of Life Registration Blessing
The following is a summary of the four levels that pertain to the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing as approved by the His Majesty the Second King of Cheon Il Guk.
Perfection Stage Perfection Level happens when we enter the substantial nation of Cheon Il Guk.
Perfection Stage Growth Level: Participate in the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Book of Life Registration Blessing on Feb 28th in Newfoundland, PA, or at another site via the Internet with crowns and an official rod of iron. The Second King has designated the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and the AR semiautomatic pistol as the official rods of iron. An AK rifle will be acceptable in countries where AR’s are difficult to obtain. Families that do not correspond to the perfection stage growth level at the upcoming Blessing ceremony can attain this level through Book of Life Registration Blessing Ceremonies to be held in the future.
Perfection Stage Formation Level: Participate in the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of LIfe Registration Blessing Ceremony in Newfoundland, PA, with Crowns and a $700 gift certificate or voucher from a gun store. Later the same day, participate in a Color Guard Ceremony in the presence of the King.
Symbolic Book of Life Registration Blessing: Participate in the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of LIfe Registration Blessing Ceremony with crowns and a $700 gift certificate or voucher from a gun store. These couples can move up to the Perfection Stage Formation Level at a later date by participating in a Color Guard Ceremony held in the presence of the Second King in Pennsylvania.
The above levels also apply to couples returning to True Father’s authority through this Blessing and couples receiving the Blessing for the first time. Those participating with only the Blessing offering will receive the Blessing for Returning to True Father’s Authority, or the Growth Stage Blessing.
Register for the February 28, 2018 Blessing
To participate in this event, and for more information, please utilize the orange registration button on the Register for the Blessing page.



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